We held our Board and GM meetings for October on SUNDAY the 23rd (not the usual Saturday) because our HMI members (including our current and past presidents and two directors) had a performance at Helumoa on the evening of the 22nd and wouldn't have been able to join us. Agenda items discussed and approved included: 1- the rescheduling of our Poi & Papale fundraiser to November 20 at the King Intermediate hula mound, 2- the submission, by our Elections Committee chair Puakenamu Leong, of the following slate of nominees for election to our 2023 Board of Directors: Treasurer: ʻIlima Kaʻanehe; Directors: Kaʻolu Luning, Pualani Steele, and Kihei de Silva, and 3- the rescheduling of our November 19 GM meeting to a LIVE, first-time-in-almost-three-years gathering on December 11 (4 to 5:30 pm) at Kaʻohao Park; elections will be conducted at this meeting, convention delegates will offer a Seattle summary, and we'll be looking forward, as well, to some holiday treats and cheer.