From our email archive:
Aloha e na lala o ka Hawaiian Civic Club o Kailua,
e na mamo hoʻi o nei ʻaina aloha,
** Hapenuia 2022 **
We hope you can join us on Zoom this coming Saturday, February 26th, 2022 at 4p HST for our first general membership meeting of the new year! Here's the simple one-click link that will take you straight to the meeting, or if you prefer, the meeting ID and password that can be used to join from the Zoom app:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 759 386 2956
Passcode: 656732
Last December's meeting minutes are posted on our KHCC website – – for your review, along with the agenda for our upcoming meeting. As you can see, we plan on sharing highlights from January's virtual AHCC Convention, approving our meeting schedule for 2022 (proposed schedule is attached), and talking about some of the things we can look forward to in the coming year.
I would also like to take a moment to remind everyone about membership dues. Some of you have already sent those in - mahalo nui! For those who have not yet done so, we accept PayPal through the website (although PP does take a percentage), or you can mail checks to us at PO Box 1123, Kailua HI 96734. Please note:
A great big mahalo to each of you for your patience, as it has taken a little longer than expected for this fledgling Pelekikena to get her feet under her. Thanks, as well, to the board of directors for your support and engagement through this transition period.
Stay safe, and hope to see you on Saturday!
Naʻu me ke aloha,
Kapalaiʻula, pelekikena
Aloha e na lala o ka Hawaiian Civic Club o Kailua,
e na mamo hoʻi o nei ʻaina aloha,
** Hapenuia 2022 **
We hope you can join us on Zoom this coming Saturday, February 26th, 2022 at 4p HST for our first general membership meeting of the new year! Here's the simple one-click link that will take you straight to the meeting, or if you prefer, the meeting ID and password that can be used to join from the Zoom app:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 759 386 2956
Passcode: 656732
Last December's meeting minutes are posted on our KHCC website – – for your review, along with the agenda for our upcoming meeting. As you can see, we plan on sharing highlights from January's virtual AHCC Convention, approving our meeting schedule for 2022 (proposed schedule is attached), and talking about some of the things we can look forward to in the coming year.
I would also like to take a moment to remind everyone about membership dues. Some of you have already sent those in - mahalo nui! For those who have not yet done so, we accept PayPal through the website (although PP does take a percentage), or you can mail checks to us at PO Box 1123, Kailua HI 96734. Please note:
- $25 for Regular & Associate members / $10 for Youth members - due by March 31st
- If your contact info has changed, please submit a new registration form with your payment (forms attached below). No form is necessary if you have no changes.
- For more info, check out the Member Essentials page linked here and above
- If you're not sure about your membership status, email us at [email protected]
A great big mahalo to each of you for your patience, as it has taken a little longer than expected for this fledgling Pelekikena to get her feet under her. Thanks, as well, to the board of directors for your support and engagement through this transition period.
Stay safe, and hope to see you on Saturday!
Naʻu me ke aloha,
Kapalaiʻula, pelekikena