Mahulua (perhaps Māhulua – two mists/vapors; Kualiʻiʻs mother) is the name of the ʻiliʻāina on which the Kailua Target now sits. The three burial preserves located there are named Mahulua ʻEkahi, ʻElua, and ʻEkolu in an effort to keep that older, almost forgetten name still in our mouths. Clean-up at the three preserves on Sunday went amazingly well thanks to the support of new KHCC member Josiah Akau, his family, and haumāna from his non-profit Kinai ʻEha. Other lima hana included Judy, Katey and Jillian, Anita, Ashley, and ʻEkolu. Also to be thanked: Lani for putting us in contact with Kalei at Target who provided us with water, snacks, trash bags, and a coned-off section of the parking lot.