17 of us met on the third Sunday of September for a productive afternoon of talk, eat (thanks again, Aunty Grace), and work. We reviewed a resolution of support for Hui Maunawili-Kawainui that we'll deliver to the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs at its November convention. We reviewed a letter of concern that we've sent to Bellows AFS with regard to a proposed development that threatens our iwi kupuna. And we engaged in hands-down healing of ʻaina and naʻau. Tūtū Nola Faria and her keiki crew, pictured below were the spear-tip of this effort. No such thing as paʻani wale for these little guys; they sat quietly through our meeting, ate lunch, and went straight to weed pulling and ʻopala hauling in the rocks surrounding the punawai. They are the reason we'd like to change our constitution to include a category for keiki and family membership. Put a pin in that thought, ke ʻoluʻolu.