We held our Board and GM meetings for October on SUNDAY the 23rd (not the usual Saturday) because our HMI members (including our current and past presidents and two directors) had a performance at Helumoa on the evening of the 22nd and wouldn't have been able to join us. Agenda items discussed and approved included: 1- the rescheduling of our Poi & Papale fundraiser to November 20 at the King Intermediate hula mound, 2- the submission, by our Elections Committee chair Puakenamu Leong, of the following slate of nominees for election to our 2023 Board of Directors: Treasurer: ʻIlima Kaʻanehe; Directors: Kaʻolu Luning, Pualani Steele, and Kihei de Silva, and 3- the rescheduling of our November 19 GM meeting to a LIVE, first-time-in-almost-three-years gathering on December 11 (4 to 5:30 pm) at Kaʻohao Park; elections will be conducted at this meeting, convention delegates will offer a Seattle summary, and we'll be looking forward, as well, to some holiday treats and cheer.
From our Mailchimp email archive:
We'll be meeting online again on the 24th, the BOD at 5:00 pm and the General Membership at 5:30. The Zoom link to both meetings is the same as always; check your inbox for the latest meeting announcement (sent via Mailchimp on Monday night, Sept. 19) if you've forgotten or lost track of that link – or you can email Kapalai on Saturday afternoon for a quick update: [email protected]. Weʻd like to post it here but have been advised against making that info public. From our Mailchimp email archive:
You might remember that the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs is in the process of revising its Constitution and Bylaws, and that – to this end – the Association's Policy and Planning Committee held a series of workshops at which the delegates of each club discussed and responded (via facilitator-conducted polls) to the almost 200 pages of amendments proposed by both the P&P committee and interested clubs. These workshops were divided into two venues: a live and a virtual. Because of our covid concerns, Kailua (represented by Kapalai and Kihei de Gluttons for Punishment) opted to attend the second of these venues: three Saturday sessions, online, of five-hours each. Kapalai reported on the first of these sessions at our club's August general membership meeting, and Kihei did the same, via Mailchimp, for the second and third sessions. If you missed these reports and are interested in learning more, please let us know via email to the prez. at [email protected]. We should also remind everyone that all this preliminary work will be compiled, annotated, and distributed to the clubs in time for us to review and discuss it in advance of the Association's November convention where the proposed documents will be re-hashed and ultimately voted on by the member clubs and their delegates. From our email archive:
Aloha e nā hoa makamaka, We hope to see you on Zoom today, August 20, at 5:30p for a General Membership meeting of the Kailua Hawaiian Civic Club. Our board meets at 5:00, and we don't plan on running overtime, but we offer our apologies in advance if you have to spend a few minutes in our lovely waiting room. The agenda for today is attached, and approval of our July meeting minutes will be deferred until next month. Me ke aloha, Kapalai & your Board of Directors The KHCC crew (with Clifford, our luna from Koʻolaupoko HCC) at our July 31 Maunaʻala clean-up. Sweeping, dusting, wiping-down, and helping, in this small way, to return ke ea on this La ˙Hoʻihoʻi Ea.
From our Mailchimp email archive:
After a 30-day review and comment period during which our proposed 2022 C&B was made available to all members, our general membership approved of both by unanimous vote at our July 23 meeting. This is the first full revision of our C&B since 2004 and features a much needed re-organization of what goes where (many of the old Cs have been moved to the new Bs), a resolution of errors and ambiguities (we don't, for example, operate under a 501(c)4), and a trimming-away of unrealistic provisions (there is no way, for example, that a club of our modest size can expect to maintain 15 standing committees). It took two months of consulting, comparing, writing, and revising for the ad hoc C&B revision committee to arrive at what we think is a more streamlined and consistent governing document. One that is much more in line with how we actually operate (take a look, for example, at our modified approach to Roberts Rules of Order). The docs are posted on our Member Essentials page for all of our reference needs. Go check ʻem, go. From our email archive:
Aloha hou mai kākou, Here is the agenda for our KHCC meeting tomorrow evening, along with the minutes from both May and June for your review. Hope to see you tomorrow at 5:30! Me ʻoukou ke aloha pumehana, Kapalai From our email archive:
Aloha e nā kini o Kailua, My apologies for not being able to send this out earlier in the week. Just a little reminder that we do have a Civic Club meeting today at 4:00pm on Zoom, with a few reports and one major item of business to attend to - the draft revised Constitution and Bylaws (sent out to all members on Sunday, May 22). An agenda for today's meeting is attached below. As usual, our BOD meets a half hour before the general membership meeting convenes. We rarely run overtime, but I apologize in advance if we keep you for a little bit in our waiting room. Hope to see you there! Me ke aloha, Kapalai From our Mailchimp email archive:
Aloha e nā hoa makamaka, Our beloved hulu kupuna Charles "Doc" Burrows passed away on Saturday, April 30, at his daughter Kathy's home in Leavenworth, Kansas. We shared word of his passing on our KHCC facebook page and at our last general membership meeting, but if this is the first you have heard of it, we offer Aunty Clara's comforting reassurance that his going was "very peaceful" and allowed for quiet farewells with all of his family, his moʻopuna in particular. Although Clara had originally asked us to extend an open invitation to all KHCC members to attend Doc's memorial service at the Church of the Crossroads, she and the church administration have now decided, out of an abundance of caution due to the ongoing spike in Covid numbers, to limit in-person attendance to a small, manageable number of family and friends. She has sent out personal invitations to those in this group, and she asks that everyone who has not been so invited please join the congregation on Zoom at 10:00 am on June 18. Clara's daughter Kathy has provided the following link for registering for that Zoom session: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsde2orD4oHNFJPGXElfKXgK0m0dKBaWP7 And she has also provided a Church of the Crossroads announcement and instruction page for those of us who aren't Zoom and tech savvy. https://churchofthecrossroadshawaii.org/news/celebrating-the-life-of-doc-burrows/ Māpuana, Kapalai, and I will represent the club at the church, and – at Clara's request – we will be offering our "Mele Hulu Kupuna" in Doc's honor. Me ka haʻahaʻa, Kīhei From our email archive:
E na makamaka aloha, We hope to see you this Saturday afternoon, May 21, on Zoom for our next regular meeting of the general membership. We will convene online at our usual 4pm hour, with no major business items to address, but a few updates and stories to share. Our meeting agenda and minutes for approval are posted on the Member Essentials page of our website for your review. Looking forward to spending time and sharing aloha with everyone. Me ka haʻahaʻa, Kapalaiʻula & your Board of Directors |